IEA has opened up to 4th and 5th grade for the new season (2019-2020)! So it is now 4th through 12th grades! If you don’t know what IEA riding is all about just shoot me a quick message! While I love this idea for the younger crowd, I am really going to make sure that the children are capable and will be safe doing so. Riding and competing on a horse you have never ridden before is no joke! One of the things I love about IEA is the teamwork aspect and the feeling that the girls have to rely on each other for help. It’s a wonderful thing to see! So in one regard, I don’t want that to change by adding younger kids that may need to rely more on their parents….but also know that there are plenty of 4th and 5th graders capable of this new experience and how much they will grow as riders and teammates in the process!! We will be changing up how our captains work as well! SO here we go!

If your child will be in 4th or 5th (or higher) next year and are interested in joining for the first time, please let me know! They should also be in 2 lessons a week minimum to join the team.

Lastly, next year for IEA we are planning a trip to FL for an IEA show. My thoughts are that this will be a wonderful way to get an Away Horse Show experience, as reasonably as possible. No need to pay stalls, or shipping fees! 😀 This is not mandatory …and will just be a fun experience for those that want to participate.